PTW Celebrates 5 Years in Montreal
PTW Celebrates 5 Years in Montreal

PTW Celebrates 5 Years in Montreal

Our PTW Montreal team recently celebrated their fifth anniversary! Between an array of exciting projects and growing to 350+ team members, the journey has been anything but dull, and we’re proud to see how far they have come.

We opened our first official studio in Canada in July 2019, and last year we were thrilled to welcome the newest addition to our PTW family: SIDE Montreal. Today with such a large team across the city, PTW Montreal has become a flagship site for the company worldwide.

To mark and reflect on this five-year milestone, we asked our team to share some of their most memorable experiences, insights on the journey so far, and what the future holds.

A diverse and talented team

Our Studio Head Sébastien Bisch joined the team just over a year ago and has been fostering open communication, championing employee engagement, and overall driving positive change across all our studios in Montreal from day one.

When asked about his favorite part of the job, Sébastien had this to say:

“I usually tell my friends that it’s the best job I’ve ever had, so it’s hard to pick. But if I had to choose, I would say, first, the team. We have amazing, diverse, passionate, and very driven people at PTW. Everyone pitches in and collaborates when we need to be creative for our partners. Plus, we all share the same passion for games!

There’s also never a dull moment. We always come up with creative solutions for our partners—they know how to challenge us but at the end of the day, we pretty much always find a solution after a fair amount of head-scratching. The process and the results are very stimulating.”

Sébastien Bisch

Studio Head

We also interviewed a few long-standing team members across various departments, from Sales to Quality Assurance and Localization QA, to share some of their most memorable experiences and how they’ve seen the studio evolve over the years.

What do you like most about working at PTW?

PTW Montreal — Highlights

Since we’ve been working out of Montreal, our team has worked alongside many partners, tackling all sorts of exciting projects.

We asked the team about which moments stood out in their mind during the last five years.

Do you have a proudest moment, or a special project you worked on that meant a lot to you?

Can you share what has been one of your most memorable moments at PTW Montreal since you first joined?

Looking back on how far we’ve come

Sébastien shares a few words of acknowledgement on the journey so far:

"I would like to say a huge thank you to every talented employee, past or present, who contributed to making this studio what it is today. We were able to grow and create this amazing studio from scratch because of their talent and passion, and we owe them our success. I would also like to acknowledge the work of my predecessor as Studio Head, whose work really positioned the studio for success.

Finally, I want to give a special shoutout to our friends at SIDE Montreal (formerly Vibe Avenue), who joined the company last year. It’s not easy to transition from being an independent studio for 11 years, who is recognized in the industry for their creativity and the quality of their work, to becoming a part of such a big organization. I can’t express enough how happy we are to have them by our side (no pun intended!) and learn from their experience."

Shout Out!

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